
How To Create Blog Posts On Shopify

You've spent so much time working on your Shopify store, and it's finally ready to launch.

Your homepage feels just about perfect, and you've spent hours obsessing over every minute detail of your product pages.

But how much time did you pour in your Shopify About Us page?

It's easy to overlook this important piece of the Ecommerce puzzle, but your About page says a lot about you and your brand.

That's why it's crucial to invest as many resources developing it as your other core website pages.

Let's learn how you can create an effective and engaging About Us page for your Shopify store to help turn more visitors into loyal fans of your brand!

Feel free to jump to any of these sections:

  • Why your Shopify About Us page is important
  • How to create a Shopify About Us page
  • What to include in a Shopify About Us page
  • Shopify About Us templates (copy and design)
  • 6 Memorable Shopify About Us page examples

Why your Shopify About Us page is important and shouldn't be overlooked

When new Ecommerce business owners first create their brand new website, most will include a Shopify About Us page as a formality.

Check out any Ecommerce site and they all have something similar to an About page.

Sometimes, this will be labeled as:

  • Our story
  • Meet (brand name)
  • Our mission
  • Get to know (brand name)

Davy Piper uses the title Our Story for their Shopify About Us page

But they all serve a similar purpose: tell their customers about the brand.

However, too many businesses simply write basic info about their brand on their Shopify About Us page and leave it at that.

Big mistake.

Your About page can be a powerful tool for your business, and it shouldn't be left as an afterthought.

As a business owner, you have a story to tell. Stories are effective methods to engage your customers and get them to care about your brand, which can help you get more sales.

You can explain where your business came from and why you started it; what mission drives you and your team; how you developed your products, and who your company serves and why.

And just like powerful stories are crafted with specific storytelling rules in mind, so should be your About page.

Your About Us page should be treated like a story-driven sales page instead of a descriptive place to give out some information about your business. It should have the purpose of converting visitors into people who love your brand and who now want to buy from you.

Additionally, an About Us page humanizes your Shopify store and showcases the real people behind the brand. Visitors can connect with you on a more human level, which helps you stand out from faceless corporations or generic brands competing against you on the market.

After reading an effective About Us page, customers will know why they should purchase from your brand instead of another.

How to create a Shopify About Us page

Before you can create your own Shopify About Us page, you'll need an existing Shopify website.

Make sure you're already logged into your Admin Dashboard, then navigate to the Online Store section on the left-hand menu. This is where you'll be able to change your theme, add blog posts, edit your preferences, and do what you came here to do – add a new page.

Click on the Pages option. This will open up your Pages menu with all your existing pages.

How to create a Shopify About Us page. Step 1

To create your About Us page, create a new page from scratch by clicking the Add Page button on the top right-hand corner of this menu.

You'll need to customize your page settings, including:

  • Your page title: How the page will display in your menu and in browsers
  • Page content: This is where you will add and customize the content you want to appear on your About Us page
  • Template: If you want to upload a template to simplify the design of your * About Us page, you can do so here
  • Visibility: You can decide to make your About Us page visible, which means anyone can view the page, or hidden, which means no one can navigate to it
  • Search engine listing preview: This is where you can write a meta description for your page, which will appear in search results 👇

How to add a search engine listing preview for your Shopify About Us page

You don't need to create all the finalized content for your page right away. Just make sure to hit Save at the bottom right corner when you're done for now.

If you made the page visible, it will become live as soon as you hit Save. If you prefer to keep working on it and keep it invisible, make sure to set it to Hidden before you save your progress.

When you're ready to publish the page, you'll need to add a way for your visitors to navigate to it. You can do this by adding your About Us page to the menu.

Go to your left menu and click on Navigation. Next, select the menu that you want your About Us page to appear on, and select Add Menu Item.

How to create a Shopify About Us page. Step 2

Name the new item exactly as you want it to appear in your menu. Then you'll be asked to connect your desired page to the menu item (this should be your About page)

When you're done, click Add, and you now have a Shopify About Us page ready to go.

What to include in a Shopify About Us page (to build trust and create engagement)

So you know how to add a new About Us page to your Shopify website…

But what should you include in it?

There are several approaches you can take to writing your About page. But some information should always show up, regardless of your approach.

Because your About page should act as a story, it should contain all the elements of a narrative:

  • Plot
  • Character
  • Conflict
  • Theme
  • Setting

Here's how you can set this up to make it work with your business in mind:

  • Your plot consists of the sequence of events of your narrative. Your main plot points can include a past struggle that led you to launch your business, how your business launched, what struggles you had to overcome to get there, and where your business is today.

  • Thecharacter of your narrative can either be you, your brand, or the customer. Keep in mind that the type of character you decide to use will determine all the other elements. For example, if your character is the customer, the conflict should be about them, not about you and your brand.

  • Your conflict can consist of your struggles to get your business going, or it can be a customer-driven conflict. For example, you can discuss a problem that your brand solves and how this creates conflict in the lives of your customers.

  • Your theme can be your mission or purpose. In narrative, a theme is a central subject or message, so your mission statement or business purpose can carry the theme.

  • You should also discuss setting, especially if you're trying to reach local customers. The setting may not be a key part of your story, but in some cases, where you came from and where your business is located does matter to the narrative. For example, if someone is developing wellness products made from natural ingredients, it's relevant to talk about their roots in a place where natural medicine and ingredients are prevalent.

Finally, your narrative should come together to present a unique value proposition, which will be the main selling point of your About Us page. We'll cover what these elements can look like in practice in the later sections.

Of course, there are other elements you can add to your narrative.

For instance, if you've won any special awards or received outstanding testimonials, these will provide credibility to your brand's story.

If you have an interesting business model that is crucial to your story and unique selling proposition, make sure to include it in your About Us page as well.

You can also add photos and descriptions of your team so that your website visitors can get to know them a little better. This can include just a few high-level people, or the entire team if you wish.

Shopify About Us templates you can use

The best About Us pages on Shopify are unique based on the brand's story. However, it can help to start from a template instead of writing from scratch when you're developing the copy.

Here are a few examples you can start from.

Value-driven About Us page template



We want every [CUSTOMER] to [POSITIVE OUTCOME] without [PAIN POINT].

This is what drives us to [WHAT YOUR COMPANY DOES].

Story-driven About Us page template


[FOUNDER'S NAME] experienced this when [ORIGIN OF FOUNDER'S PAIN POINTS]. [HE/SHE/THEY] knew there had to be a solution to [POSITIVE OUTCOME].


Now, [NUMBER] of [CUSTOMER] [POSITIVE OUTCOME] with the help of [PRODUCTS]. We invite you to join us and [ACHIEVE POSITIVE OUTCOME].

Design templates for your Shopify About Us page

Since you're using Shopify, you can also find templates for the design of your About page. Most Shopify themes come preloaded with an About page so that you have one less thing to design.

There are countless third-party companies selling Shopify themes, but you can also search on Shopify's theme store to find one that suits your needs.

Shopify About Us page official theme store

What's great about their theme store is that you can filter for:

  • Free or paid themes
  • How many products you need in your catalog
  • Page features
  • Layout style
  • Navigation style
  • Marketing and social media features
  • Industry

So you're likely to find a theme that works well for you.

6 Memorable About Us pages from other Shopify stores

So what does all of this look like in action?

Let's look at some real Shopify About Us pages from existing stores to see how you can make yours stand out.

1. Kindred Bravely

When you read Kindred Bravely's About Us page, you'll notice something interesting with the first paragraph: it's all about you, the reader or customer, not about them.

Customer-centric example of a Shopify About Us page by Kindred Bravely

They mention that their company is built on love, but most of the copy in that intro section is customer-centric:

"Our clothes are meticulously designed to make your motherhood journey easier, from the bump to the breast and beyond. You deserve to look and feel great all of the time, Mama. We hope you can feel the difference, and we hope you know we're here for you. To support you, to listen to you, and to join you on this wild superhero ride that is motherhood."

It's all about what the customer deserves, how they want to feel, and how the company is there to support them.

This About Us page works great because it incorporates many important elements to engage the reader. Once their attention is hooked with the customer-centric introduction, they walk you through the company's roots, mission, and where the name comes from.

They finish it off with a letter from the founder that provides a glimpse into her own story in an uplifting way.

2. Cori

Cori, a health and wellness brand, provides a great example of how you can tell a personal story to engage the reader.

Cori uses a personal story to capture the attention on their Shopify About Us page

This About Us page isn't customer-centric, but it does tell an interesting story that ties back to why the founder launched the brand. The story also showcases why you should consider buying their products: "I've found that sourcing the healing properties of nature is the simplest way to attain balance and well-being."

Finally, the founder calls the reader to action by telling us that we can get in touch with her for curated support, or sign up for an event or workshop.

3. LaVie

LaVie's story hooks the reader by introducing an issue that their customers can relate to.

LaVie introduces an issue their customers face on the Shopify About Us page

They follow this up not only by explaining how their product solves this problem, but was inspired by the founders to solve these problems for themselves.

Near the end, they tie it all back to what matters the most to their customers at this moment: "We are here to provide you with the confidence, resources, and tools you need to focus on what matters most – loving the bond with your newborn."

4. Knix

Of all the About Us page examples so far, Knix is the one who nails the sales page approach the best.

Knix approach their Shopify About Us page almost like a sales page

Their About page is captivating for their target audience, yes, but it also works just like a sales page would.

They start out by painting the dream vision: "It's time that all of us lived unapologetically free. Free from judgment. Free from self-doubt. Free to be yourself." Then, they tie it back to how this is relevant to their products: "That's why all our products, from the most comfortable wireless bras to super absorbent underwear, are designed to make you feel more comfortable in your own skin."

As you scroll down the page, you get to meet the founder, read more engaging sales copy about their products, find out about their community, and discover the sustainable approach to how they develop products.

All of these micro-stories help their target clientele care a little bit more about the brand with each sentence they read.

5. Raycon

Like some of the previous examples, Raycon entices the reader with the desired outcome their customers want and with a story that explains what problem they were trying to solve.

Raycon use their Shopify About Us page to explain the problems they're trying to solve

In their case, the problem they solve is quality earbuds that are too expensive: "What do you get when you mix platinum selling artists, tastemakers and tech nerds who are tired of spending too much on high quality audio products? You get Raycon. A company founded to show the world that premium sound can be affordable."

But they have some extra sections that stand out. In their What Sets Us Apart section, they explain their unique selling proposition in a simple yet engaging way.

6. Hush

Hush opens up the dialogue on their About page with their mission statement.

Hush talk about their mission statement on the About page of their Shopify store

But they also add in some pain points to make it feel relevant to their target audience: "The science is clear that insomnia and anxiety are only getting worse. If we can help mitigate that with our own simple products, then we've succeeded."

Plus, they tell the story of their company in a timeline that showcases all their important milestones. The page is made even better with the addition of some social proof in the form of a clip from their Dragon's Den pitch.

Win more customers with an amazing Shopify About Us page

Now that you've seen some amazing examples of Shopify About Us pages, you have the tools you need to write your own and start converting more visitors into customers using the power of storytelling.

Whether you decide to start with a template or create your About Us page from scratch, remember to write with your customer in mind.

How To Create Blog Posts On Shopify


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